Our Supportive Outpatient Program Houston

If you or someone you know is seeking addiction treatment that fits comfortably into the rhythm of daily life, our Supportive Outpatient Program (SOP) offers similar content to the intensive outpatient services with less weekly time commitment. SOP is ideal for individuals who have successfully completed previous treatment programs, achieved sobriety for some period of time, and who are seeking ongoing support.
The ADAPT Supportive Outpatient Program is a 90-day program that meets twice weekly (schedules vary by location). It relies heavily on the 12-Step philosophy, while also drawing from numerous complementary therapies that are designed to equip participants with a variety of practical tools and strategies. Clients enrolled in SOP have access to group therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, as well as continued case management and treatment planning services.
Is Supportive Outpatient right for me?
All locations of ADAPT Programs each offer a supportive outpatient level of care for those clients who have completed the regular course of treatment but feel they need to maintain additional support in their recovery for a longer period of time. It is ideal for individuals who have successfully completed an Intensive Outpatient Program in the past and who are looking to enjoy less rigorous treatment without putting their sobriety at risk. Some participants have achieved months of freedom from substance abuse, while others enroll because their sobriety is on shaky ground. Whatever the case, SOP offers drug and alcohol treatment designed to provide that “just enough, but not too much” level of support.Deciding what treatment program is right for you and determining if you’re ready for SOP is not a decision you should make in isolation. Patients are encouraged to seek the opinion of medical professionals and to conduct a confidential consultation with an ADAPT addiction specialist who can conduct an initial assessment and recommend a course of treatment.
Our Supportive Outpatient Program Locations
Supportive Outpatient Programs allow participants to bridge the gap between intensive rehabilitation and the realities of daily life and offers life-saving support to those seeking long-term sobriety. For more information on the ADAPT Programs Supportive Outpatient services call 1-855-862-3278 for a confidential conversation with one of our addiction specialists.