Brazos Place Drug Rehab

Houston Inpatient Drug Rehab You Can Trust

Adapt Programs is a reliable drug and alcohol rehab center in Houston with staff that is fully committed to seeing you overcome your addiction to drugs and alcohol. We offer an inpatient detox program at our comfortable treatment center in Brazoria county, to help you take the first step toward sobriety and a happy life.

Our trusted staff are trained to treat both men and women who need an around-the-clock monitoring to help address their addictions. You will find that the detoxification program at ADAPT Programs is a vital component to creating a safe withdrawal process.

inpatient drug rehab houston

What Is Inpatient Detox?

Detoxification is the first step toward a new life free from the bonds of addiction to drugs and alcohol. Inpatient detox programs provide monitored support by experienced and compassionate medical professionals at our Houston drug rehab center.

The typical detox phase lasts from three to five days and during that time we use the latest evidence-based medications like Vivitrol®, Suboxone®, and Campral® to help relieve symptoms during the detox process.

Our Houston drug and alcohol detox treatment program is overseen by your trained staff and health professionals. Your drug and alcohol detoxification treatment you will include:

  • Medical history and physical exam
  • Full psychiatric evaluation
  • Vitals monitoring for symptoms reduction during detox
  • Stabilization planning
  • Preparation for continued recovery

Ongoing Recovery After Inpatient Detox

The detoxification process can be stressful and overwhelming, but this process is crucial to continue your journey for sobriety. When possible, and if desired, you can start completing other recovery-related assignments and attend group meetings to continue recovery.

The next stage of recovery is to move into our residential treatment program that will ensure your recovery continues as efficiently as possible.

We offer Residential Inpatient Rehab at our Freeport,TX Location – ADAPT Programs

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Drug Addiction Help Houston Texas

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If you are interested in having a confidential conversation with one of our representatives to discuss our drug rehab center services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call: 1-855-862-3278
Drug Addiction Help Houston Texas