Our Addiction Aftercare Recovery Program

Adapt Programs Aftercare services

Drug and alcohol addiction recovery doesn’t end the moment an individual walks out our front door – it is an ongoing process and one that requires careful attention and diligent support. Everyone who completes an addiction treatment program at an ADAPT Programs addiction recovery center is invited to enroll in our year-long Aftercare Program entirely free of charge. As participants gain confidence in their sobriety, they have the ability to rely on continuous support and access to resources every step of the way.

ADAPT Programs Aftercare Services includes:

The Aftercare program is an integral part of our Drug rehab center and it consists of weekly group meetings led by trained substance abuse counselors. Each meeting is carefully designed to address different facets of the recovery process and to discuss the successes and challenges faced by group participants. Individuals are provided with support, counseling, and referrals when necessary.

To offset the sense of fear that accompanies reentry into normal daily life, our Aftercare Program is designed to immediately provide individuals with a social safety net. Participants will gain critical emotional support and will share in the success stories of those who have gone before them and know what it takes to achieve lasting sobriety. All conversations are held within the strictest of confidence and many of the relationships formed within the Aftercare Program become lifelong friendships.

Importance of Aftercare in Recovery

Those who successfully complete a drug and alcohol treatment program at our drug rehab centers (whether it be an intensive outpatient program or a supportive outpatient program) often feel an initial sense of confidence and happiness, but there is also an underlying sense of fear and trepidation. There is hope, but everything feels new and a little fragile at the same time – as though one misstep could derail everything.

During that delicate period of reentry into normal life, finding the time and space to continue healing can be a very real challenge for many individuals and their families. That is why ADAPT Programs provides aftercare groups in numerous convenient locations throughout the Houston, TX area. As a leading addiction recovery center we pride ourselves in offering high quality, easily accessible treatment services at affordable prices.

Former clients of the ADAPT Programs drug rehab center cite the Aftercare Program as one of the most important elements of their successful recovery. They are living testaments to the importance of this continued support and we are proud to make this program available to everyone who successfully completes a treatment program. If you are interested in learning more about ADAPT Programs Aftercare Services or our Houston-based Addiction recovery centers, we invite you to have a confidential conversation with one of our representatives. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call: 1-855-862-3278

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Drug Addiction Help Houston Texas

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If you are interested in having a confidential conversation with one of our representatives to discuss our drug rehab center services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call: 1-855-862-3278