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Are you trying to help a loved one?

The road to recovery is not an easy one, and the majority of time alcoholics and drug addicts cannot take the first step on their own, they need someone else to take it for them. More often than not, family members and friends are the lifesaving forces who insist that an addict participate in a treatment program. If you have a souse, child, parent, or friend who is struggling with addiction we are glad you have found this page and we want to reassure you that the help your loved one needs is only a phone call away.

Our trained staff have dealt with all manner of chemical dependency and can provide you with some strategies and techniques for placing your loved on in an Adapt Programs treatment program.

What if my loved one is resistant to recovery?

It is not unusual for people with drug and alcohol problems to rebel against the individuals and opportunities that they need the most. In the midst of their struggles it can be painful if not impossible to imagine a life free of chemical dependency. However, as soon as the substance is removed from their lifestyles they are able to see the damage caused by their addiction. Hard as it may be, it’s important to resist judging your loved one based on their destructive behaviors. Try to remember that they would act differently if they were not under the physiological torture of drugs and alcohol and that in their current state they may not be able to see reality clearly. That is why your help is so necessary.

Staging an Intervention

An addict’s responses and reactions are unpredictable, which is why we do not recommend conducting an intervention without the support of a qualified interventionist. Trained interventionists will help loved ones prepare their statements and help addicts open their hearts and minds to the help and support that is available to them. If you would like to speak with an intervention specialist, please call us today and we will put you in touch with an expert that can help.

Finding Hope

Chances are that your loved one has considered quitting hundreds of times, but for one reason or another has failed to break free from the grips of chemical dependency. That is why it is so important to convey to him or her that effective treatment does exist and it is accessible through Adapt Programs, however lasting sobriety is only possible with full participation of the person suffering.
Many people don’t realize that addiction – whether it is to alcohol, drug, or other substances – is a chronic, progressive, and clinically recognized illness. At Adapt Programs we understand how destructive addiction can be, but we also know that sustainable sobriety is possible and we believe that everyone has a right to be treated.

Where do I begin?

Whether your loved one is willing to enter treatment or unwilling even to hold a conversation with you, calling Adapt Programs is an excellent place to start. All conversations are entirely confidential and no actions will be taken without your permission. Our highly trained staff will help you determine if an intervention is necessary, what level of care may be required, and what facility is most likely to suit your needs.

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Drug Addiction Help Houston Texas

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If you are interested in having a confidential conversation with one of our representatives to discuss our drug rehab center services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call: 1-855-862-3278