Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Houston, TX
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Houston, TX
- Intensive Outpatient Program
- Supportive Outpatient Program
- Adolescent Outpatient Program
- Drug and Alcohol Detox
- Mental Health Program
- Drug and Alcohol Education Classes
Our proven outpatient recovery programs utilize the 12-step recovery philosophy as well as numerous other clinical treatment methods. Program participants will enjoy counseling sessions facilitated by licensed chemical dependency counselors and will have the support of a community of individuals dedicated to making positive life changes. At ADAPT Programs we are dedicated to providing people with the tools, techniques, strategies, and accountability that make life-long recovery and sobriety possible. These services include group counseling, individual counseling, spirituality awareness, relapse prevention, education classes and much more.
Addiction Recovery Specialists in Houston, TX

Choosing the right drug and alcohol rehab center is an important decision and one that greatly impacts the chances for successfully maintaining sobriety. That is why it is critically important to work with treatment specialists who can team-up with patients in the fight for addiction recovery. ADAPT’S Houston, TX rehab centers are staffed by addiction recovery specialists with years of experience helping people create and maintain healthy lifestyles free from chemical dependency. Our staff members are experts in chemical dependency detoxification and counseling.
At ADAPT, we also believe that convenience and accessibility are critical factors in choosing the right rehab center. Long commutes and inconveniences make it difficult to incorporate treatment into your everyday life. For that reason, ADAPT rehab centers are located in Manvel, Freeport, Cleveland, Bay City, Angleton, Alvin, and League City, Texas.
If you are interested in having a confidential conversation with one of our representatives to discuss the outpatient drug and alcohol services available at our locations, please don’t hesitate to give us a call: 1-855-862-3278
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