Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Bay City, TX


  • Intensive Outpatient Program
  • Supportive Outpatient Program
  • Adolescent Outpatient Program
  • Drug and Alcohol Detox
  • Mental Health Program
  • Drug and Alcohol Education Classes
Approximately 40 miles west of Freeport, near the intersection of highway 35 and highway 60, lies ADAPT Programs alcohol and drug treatment center. This Bay City rehab center is one of our Texas locations that offer outpatient treatment programs, educational classes, counseling, and support services to those seeking to break out of chemical dependency.

The ADAPT Programs Bay City, TX location is staffed by a team of multi-disciplinary addiction specialists that have dedicated their lives to providing high quality recovery programs. They work closely with both adults and adolescents in order to deliver personalized support throughout the recovery process. We work with people who have struggled with addiction for decades as well as individuals who are demonstrating the early signs of chemical dependency. At ADAPT Programs we rely on the 12-step philosophy as well as a variety of clinical treatment methods in order to equip participants with the skills, techniques, and accountability that allows them to create lasting change.

Addiction Recovery Specialists in Bay City, TX

Addcition Recovery in Bay City, TX
Taking the first step to a successful recovery requires choosing the right drug and alcohol treatment center. Our team consists of a variety of licensed professionals and certified addiction specialists with vast experience treating a variety of addiction types. All educational classes and counseling sessions take place in a structured, supportive environment designed to foster support, community, and accountability.

Regardless of the nature of the addiction and despite the number of failed attempts to change, it is never too late or too soon to seek professional support. If you or someone you love is suffering from chemical dependency, resist the urge to wait it out in hopes that the behavior improves on its own. Recovery does not happen spontaneously or by chance, and it should not happen in isolation. Our team of addiction specialists is eager to help people find their way back to a healthy lifestyle.

Program and Class Schedule

Adult Treatment

  • Tuesday, Thursday 9am-1pm

If you are interested in having a confidential conversation with one of our representatives to discuss the outpatient drug and alcohol services available at our Houston, TX locations, please don’t hesitate to give us a call: 1-855-862-3278

Call Us Today


ADAPT Programs – Bay City, TX

1400 8th St. Suite B-8
Bay City, TX 77414
Phone: (979) 480-3614
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What our clients say:

We were a very confused family and were scared for our teenage daughter’s future. ADAPT helped to put us all on the road to recovery
Julie P.Texas City, TX

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